Saturday, February 9, 2013

Third pattern workshop

We carried on with our costume for the Bruegel painting, we had already cut out the pattern and pinned it to the material which was cut out in the last session. For this session we started by pinning the pieces together to form the garments and tacking them so that our model could try them on and then they could be adjusted. We made the adjustments necessary by pinned them in place whilst on the model, once she had removed them we bagan undoing the tacking and laying them back onto the paper patterns to make the adjustments to the patterns. Adjustments were made to the sleeves of the doublet and the trousers. I worked on pinning and tacking the trousers together and i also helped put the sleeves of the doublet in, i found this really good to work on and i enjoyed the challenge of placing the sleeves. Unfortunately i had placed one of the sleeves the wrong way around but this can be adjusted after the corrections are made to the shape. All that is needed to be done to the garments are the last adjusments and the final assembly to be able to be sewn together.
I feel our group works together really well we are all able to delagate jobs and get on with anything that we are given, i enjoy being able to help others in my group if they need it and we are all open to constructive criticism to help us improve the garment we are making.

We continued with the making of our costume, for this session we carried on putting the lining together and sewing it into the jerkin. The hose were adjusted to the pattern and then sewn together using the overlocker which is a more secure sewing method and allows the material to still stretch without pulling the stitches out. The facing for the hose was started then the codpiece was put together, however we found that we hadnt added to the bit we needed to the codpiece so that pieces were cut out again and this is a piece we need to carry on with in the next session. The doublet has been sewn together and the sleeves are tacked in these just need sewing in.

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