Tuesday, February 26, 2013


This was a children's puppet show performed by the company theatre rites.I enjoyed this production from the beginning I felt it engaged me throughout and would be entertaining for children that may attend.
However i think there were some parts that could have been made different and from a puppeteer/designer point of views things that could have been made better for the story. To start with the entrance of the characters was interesting and grabbed attention but was rather long before anything really got going. The set, costumes and music all came together well to draw the audiences attention and i liked how each character showed there personalities through different movements in the rubbish and through their costume.

The use of the puppets was engaging for the audience and each puppet had different feel to it and would allow the children to connect with it with the use of sounds. The characters and style of the puppets developed as the play went on and within this they developed different moral and stories for the children to remember and take away. However i felt that when the end of a puppets story came up they didn't seem to exit the space properly and it seemed like they were just being 'thrown away' and also one of the last puppets made an 'epic' entrance and seemed to play a large part but then the puppeteers seemed to just let it go.
I think overall the show was entertaining and would have grabbed the attention of the children.

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