Saturday, February 9, 2013

Latex foam

The second workshop that we worked on for the construction of a puppet involved foam latex, first you have to create a rough shape out of polystyrene then you cover it in latex foam and add features. Latex foam is created by submerging sheets of foam into liquid latex and left to dry. The reason this is done is so that it can be added to a shape and features can be added onto without the use of other adhesives because it sticks to itself. I found this workshop easier than the previous one because I found it easier to add the features onto the head rather than working then into the polystyrene. The material was a very good to work with because it stuck to itself very easily but you can also move things if you don’t like the position. It is easy to cut and shape and it has a very good texture and colour to work on for a puppet. It was also very easy to add the rod required to move the head when manipulating it. The material is also very easy to add onto and worked into shape so any extra texture need can be added on easily but also can be worked into shapes for example if not squashed too much when added to the fingers then features such as knuckles can be added.

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