Saturday, February 9, 2013

Final group construction 4

We started painting our scenery by picking the darker colours from each section, we mixed these colours and added them to the stucture. We pick the darker colours so that we can work on the lighter colours to build up the layers of colours and textures. We needed to make the top part look like it has moss and lycans growing on it so we added sawdust to green paint and PVA, we then spread this on the top in patches paying close attention to the placement. Later when this was dry we built into it with darker brown round the edges and lighter greens into the moss to make it more realistic.

We worked into the bricks with different shades and made the mortar stand out to define the bricks a bit more, we spread the moss down the side and repeated the process of adding tones. The idea of this piece was so that it looked realistic and as close to the real piece as possible so all through this project we kept a close link with the real space and always checked back to see if we had got parts of it correct. We also found it useful to alwayds have a picture reference at hand when painting and mixing colours.

For the stairs we used the spray gun, we layered the different colours that we could notice in the main stairs to create the overall effect. This was a good method as it added texture but i think we should have added texture in the earlier stages because it made the stairs look too clean so we had to scuff the edges and add final pieces to the overall scenery like dust and bits of dirt that would fall onto the piece naturally and go into the edges and corners.

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