Saturday, February 9, 2013

Main group puppet 2

The puppet we chose as a design was quite a technical design; I decided to work on the limbs so we had to take into account the materials that would best for the main parts and how to build them up so they functioned properly to allow the puppet movement. The main base for the limbs were made from plastic tubing and we cut them into the required lengths and into the correct shape needed to be able to slot and pin them together to form the joints. The legs were padded out with polystyrene, this worked very well because we were able to shape it to how we needed and cut a groove into the middle for the pipe. The polystyrene is also light so doesn’t add a lot of weight. The most technical bit we had to make were the shoulder joints, we decided to create a ball and socket idea using polystyrene balls connected together and sandwiched into the body. This worked very well it allowed the arms a lot of movement. The main problem we had with this was the connecting piece rubbed on the polystyrene of the body so in future this could be strengthened.



1 comment:

  1. :O wow, that final puppet is amazing, and the picture of him standing alone makes it appear he's alive. Great job! :D
