Saturday, February 9, 2013

Gary Wright-production manager session 4

In this session we were shown a picture of a production and asked how we would budget the aspects of it, looking at things like equipment used, labour, costumes etc. As a group we broke it down into the different section and started pricing from here, we didnt know anything to be able to start to really price things so we had to estimate everything as to how we think it would be. A few of the prices that we came up with were very close however alot of them we were out quite alot.

This showed that if we would need to sit down with the right people we would have to have a really good idea of what we would want and the kind of budget that we would be working with and sharing out. This was a good exercise to carry out as to give us a better understanding of the type of budget we would need for different size/types of shows.

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