Saturday, February 9, 2013

Master class six led by Michael Eaton

This masterclass was led by Michael Eaton who is a writer mainly of docu dramas but he has worked in theatre. i found this masterclass interesting to listen to because he allowed me to understand the connection the writer has to the rest of the production, he said that it was a shame that a lot of the time the writer is not involved in the rest of the production and things will change if there is a better option for a part that is written in the script.

Notes taken:
-Real life takes on symbolic components, reality has to be designed for film
-Writing features such as towns as characters makes it a focal point in the story
-As a dramatist we write for our fellow professional rather than the public
-Worst word that can be written in a screen play is: night (night filming costs more)
-Five main components to story, character (protagonist) goes on a quest ends up in a different place that the start (not necessarily geaographically) other characters either help or hinder. Story takes place in a world/worlds. a theme structures the story telling method. genre.
-Designers should think about all these aspects of the story they are designing for
-Have tocreate suspense even if people know how the story is going to end
-Film to theatre play is completely different idea of writing film can be less limiting.
-Charles Dickens was born 7th Feb 1812 bicentennial celebration production radio drama with pictures essentially music video concept prerecorded sound alongside images. (called dickens in london)
-Design shouldn't be limited by the look of a story.

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