Sunday, February 10, 2013

Scale model figure


For the scale figure you start with a lenth of piano wire and fold it in half, the bend of the wire becomes the head once you twist it to make a small circle. you form the body similar to how you work out the body proportion by creating shoulders and hips then wokring down to the legs. Arms are another piece of wire twisted round the shoulders.
The wire structure is then built upon with an epoxy putty called milliput, the two parts are worked together till the colour is even then worked onto the structure to pad the body out. The milliput has to be worked whilst its soft but can be carved and added to whilst its hardened, the clothes are added using tissue paper with PVA glue. I added a thin layer at first at let it dry as a base to build on, i then added more layers to build up the shapes of the clothes. I found this quite easy to do and really liked the effect that the tissue paper gave to the texture of the clothing, it was easy to manipulate to the style i needed for my figure. I painted it using guoache paint.

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