Saturday, February 9, 2013

Paper costumes

Todays workshop we sarted by holding a part of the parachute and we used this to do a warm up exercise. We used the parachute to dress people, somebody stood in the middle and we used the material to create a costume. I found this useful because it made us think quickly and create a costume without thinking about it too much. It was useful to allow us to pay attention to the persons shape and adapt the costume.

The next part of the workshop we focused on how the status of a person can effect their posture and clothes. We did this by walking in the space thinking about higher and lower class-this involved a pack of cards. We took on the role of our card e.g king card would be of a higher status and means you would walk around with an air of importance.

The final part of the workshop we looked at the research we had brought along, our little group had the card number 5 so we thought that this status would be someone of 'average' status. From this we had to design and make a costume that reflected our status. We decided to choose someone of the church because we thought they would be above normal status but we chose someone that wasn't too far up in the church 'hierarchy'.
This workshop was really helpful because it allowed me to look at costume as a way of demonstrating a persons/performers personality or character. I really liked how even though we were creating different costumes in the groups and it all came together and we had managed to pick different parts of a hierarchy to express in the costumes. Even though we were creating a costume form a simple material it was really effective and could be used in different ways to add to the costumes role in the demonstration of status, i feel this therefore shows you can use any material for costume and you can utilise it and adapt it to a purpose.

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