Saturday, February 9, 2013

Gary Wright-production manager session 1

This first lecture with Gary Wright was about set construction techniques.
notes taken
-designs can always change, designers should be open to other options if something is not achievable
-engineering revolution has been huge advancement in theatre building techniques and methodologies over the past decade
-communication of design is vital-material choice etc
-advancement in techniques means refurb/revolution of theatre to accommodate these
-new advancement of technology
names mentioned:
The seminar that followed was an extension of this lecture. We were given a brief of an event that was required by a car company for the press launch and a motor show. We worked in small group to come up with thumbnail ideas for a design. In our group we had the idea of having the audience within a bubble similar to that of an aquarium and have projections of the car engineering etc onto the walls of the bubble then these disappear and the car is driving outside above the bubble. The car then drive over the bubble and when it reaches the top it stops on a platform that lowers down into the arena of people landing on a plinth for the press etc to look at.

I found both lecture and seminar very useful towards the ideas of set construction. It was interesting to see the areas that this can be used within and directions it can be taken to produce different effects outside the theatre. it was also useful to get an idea of the kind of things that a production manager or set constructor would be looking for in a set designer regards to their knowledge of elements other than just the design/model box.

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