Saturday, February 9, 2013

Makropulos opera (theatre royal)

The makroplulos case is an opera directed by Tom Cairns. 'Based on a popular Czech comedy, Janacek's penultimate opera is a mystery thriller about desire and eternal life. Tackling the big questions about love, life and death'. The main story is that an amazing opera singer arrives and captivates the attention of everyman around her apart from Dr Kolenaty who is dealing with a century old case as to the true owner of an estate currently owned by Jaroslav Prus. It seems that Emilia Marty knows the whereabouts of a lost will and some details that would not be known to those that were not present at the time.

As this was my first experience of a live opera i didnt know what to expect but at first thought that i would not be able to always clearly hear what they were singing but this was helped by the use of subtitles. I enjoyed the performance as a whole and enjoyed the experience however thinking afterwards i felt that the performance was a little over acted in places and some of the humour may have been misplaced.
Before the performance we had the chance to experience the audio visual tour with the audio scripters and a couple, one of whom was blind. i found this very interesting because i had never thought about whether people would go to the theatre when having an impairment. The tour was very good and the ladies that led it were very helpful to the participants. They said that there were three parts to the audio visual experience, before the performance date the participants would receive a cd that contained descriptions of the characters and costumes and set so they could visualise it before arriving and know who they were describing during the performance. The second part is the backstage tour they take the tour onto the stage and describe the location of some of the props and they have the opportunity to talk to a member or members of the cast

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