Saturday, February 9, 2013

Masterclass eight led by Patrick Connelan

I found this masterclass very useful to hear about a type of theatre I hadnt really heard alot about before, it was interesting to hear some of the methods that different artists/designers may approach this type of theatre. I knew that verbatim meant it was word for word but did not how this worked within the context of theatre and how a play/story may be developed from the material gathered. It makes a difference of the event is present or past because you can record the persons feelings as something is happening but with past events is recorded as set in the past but the play developed would work from this factor. Found this a very interesting form of theatre as it seems that it has an element of spontaneity to it even though the actors are allowed to rehearse it still means their performance can develop each time its performed according to how they interpret the story they hear.

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