Monday, February 25, 2013

Amanda Whittington

I found the lecture with Amanda Whittington very interesting to hear her views on the book and how she adapted her version of the play. It was interesting to hear how she felt about the characters and what she wanted to say through her adaption, the things she wanted to focus on and how she wanted to audience to experience the life of Arthur Seaton.
After listening to her talk about what she wanted to achieve and why she adapted it the way she did I felt this helped with my design process in the way I wanted to portray characters and how I wanted the words of the play to speak for my design and keep it quite naturalistic. It also helped with the idea that I want some of the parts to be represented with actions or lights and sounds rather than the physical thing being there. I found it helpful to hear how the novel and other things from that time inspired her to adapt the book and the reasons behind her motivation and interest in the era.

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