Saturday, February 9, 2013

Paper puppet performance

After making a puppet out of paper and tape we performed a small piece that involved interaction of a few of the puppets. In my group we had my puppet that was large in the body and small limbs and a small puppet that was very childlike. We decided to play on the idea that the puppet that I had created was more dominant and thought he could scare the other puppet. The other puppet had a leg that kept coming off so we played on this idea and had the larger puppet steal the smaller puppets leg. We began by having the smaller one walking about the table and the larger one climbing up the side of the table. This was a good challenge because we had to work together to get all the movements correct to make it look as though the puppet had weight and breath. The thing we found hard at first was to try and replicate the idea of climbing up onto the table but once we were given some direction about the weight balance of the puppet we found this easier. We had to ensure that the breath of the puppet went along with the action. The performance of our puppet was successful as a whole and looked quite effective but we could have made a few tweaks that would have made it run more smoothly and made it more believable to the audience. We found that we had trouble keeping the puppet grounded and the tension wasn’t always kept up or it was too much.


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