Saturday, February 9, 2013

Passing on

I enjoyed this performance, I found it was well researched and the stories that the actors were performing came across very strongly. the actors delivered the lines well and there was a really natural/realistic feel to their performance. I found it easy to connect with the story and the people within the play. However I felt that my preconceptions of what the play was about were not how it actually turned out. I thought that their was going to be more than one family's story along the way and how they share the experience. having said this I think the way it turned out was still very good and well researched in and i liked that they showed the points of view of the professionals as well as the patience relatives. I think they dealt with the issues very well and the audience was able to relate because it was easy to connect with the characters and under the experiences shown in the play. I found the discussion afterwards useful rom a research perspective, it gave me more information on the reasoning behind the research and how it was carried out however I felt that it did not benefit greatly from a design perspective.
the main problems that I had with this show were regarding the puppet. I thought that overall the puppet itself was well made and easy to see it as someone you may know and the involvement within the piece was very symbolic however I that in some cases it was not treated in a way that you would expect a puppeteer to treat a puppet. I think this was because it was the actors using the puppet so therefore they may not have had that connection. there were moments such as the placement of the puppet into the wheelchair that was not done with care and also when they were walking her to the chair the foot got stuck and the actor kicked the foot so I felt this was not good practice on the level of it being a puppet and having respect for it but also that it was suppose to represent a person.

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