Saturday, February 9, 2013

Gary Wright-production manager session 2

 This session was about the use of materials within theatre and designing:
-understanding more than just the wood etc.
-material selection is crictical when conveying your design it is important that you share your thoughts, opinions and references on material selection when discussing your design
-it is important to learn and get to know how to manipulate as many materials as possible, this will only make you a better designer in the long term.

common materials
-sheet material
-use of materials can be important- think about design safety
-think about material weight for transport
-in theatre we need to learn how to manipulate materials to achieve the desired effect

*plastics-vac form
-painters journal

-RAL colours-standard colour mixes

-J.C. Joels catalogue

-cast in a mold-paint it, spray it

-different colours, thicknesses

-what is a material=a material is a medium that can convey your design to an audience

-projection mapping-design is in the projection

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