Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sketch model

"Have every pelting river made so proud
That they have overborne their continents:
The ox hath therefore stretch'd his yoke in vain,
The ploughman lost his sweat, and the green corn
Hath rotted ere his youth attain'd a beard;
The fold stands empty in the drowned field"
After looking at the extract we were given from A Midsummer Night's Dream I decided to focus on the point about the fields being flooded and the ox and the farmer cant plough. my first idea was to have it within a box and add a plane near the top that would mean i could add the characters and animal so they hand upside down and the water would beat the bottom. However I decided to take it out of the box but still wanted it to be 'contained' so I constructed a shape that was originally going to be waterdrop shaped but I added in a piece of card to open up the space more so I could work inside it. I made the waves by scoring the card and creating curls and I layered these decreasing them towards the back of the structure.
I wanted it to demonstrate the idea of being trapped within the world that Titania and Oberon have created, the original idea was that the waves would at the bottom but I decided to turn it upside down because then I felt that it could be more interactive and the audience would be able to move within in it and on it. I kept the outside of the structure plain because it would feel then that the inside is seperate from the outside and the they would not be aware of the inside until they moved within the space, reflecting the fact that the people in human world would be unaware of the true cause of the change of seasons etc. if i were to do this again I think I would like to make the waves blue to make them stand out and also I would add in the character of the ox because this would add a literal element to a somewhat abstract concept.


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