Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Time and the Conways

                Writer: :J B Priestly
              Director: Fiona Buffini
            Designer: Madeleine Girling

We follow the story of a family called the Conways, the first part centers around a gathering that the family is hosting and portrays one of the family's party games they have carried out since the children were little.

The next part takes place 20 years in the future showing where the members of the family are now and how their lives have changed since the first time we saw them.

The final part shows them back at the party and it seems that one of the children seems to have seen the future section and remembers details.

I really enjoyed this performance, the acting directing and design was all very well done. The play is based on a book by J B Priestly and is one of his 'time' stories. Having enjoyed one of his books before i was looking forward to seeing this piece but did not know much about it. I really enjoyed how well the design fit the story and how adaptable it was, the story was gripping and had you willing the characters see what they were doing to each other.

I love how the ending is left open and we do not know whether the character that remembers the part of the future decides to make changes about her family and whether she decides to say anything. I like the possibility that she doesnt because she can choose to change her own course of action but it almost says that the way we are doesnt change we can only change our point of view about events that happen.

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