Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Propaganda swing

Director: Hamish Glen
Writer: Peter Arnott
Designer: Libby Watson

Based on true stories and real people Propaganda swing is a story and political satire that takes a look at a chapter of history set on Germany and the use of swing jazz as propaganda.

It tells the story through the eyes of Billy Constant who is an American journalist in Berlin.

It is based on the forbidden jazz music that Nazis banned from the radio stations and the 'underground' scene of the people that love that music, when they get the chance to play the music they grab the chance but the words have been changed and it is a propaganda mechanism to keep the british indoors listening to the radio.

I really liked the set up, the whole piece was designed to read like a radio show. The piece was cleverly put together it was essentially a radio show that Billy was broadcasting telling about his time in Berlin, the music was well interjected with moments he observed and inner thoughts of the time. I think the story was well told and the music was cleverly involved into the story, i found however that the use of language was a bit confusing in places because there were moments that we were supposed to believe that they were singing in German even though they were singing in english for us to understand the words.

Overall i found the design worked with the setting it was trying to achieve and the music fit in well with the style of the story.

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