Wednesday, October 22, 2014

MRP idea

For my major research project I want to start looking at the use and representation of certain animals within design, books and film. I wish to start looking into what animals can represent and why the author etc deiced to use those animals to represent parts of there story, I will look into their use on stage and how they are portrayed and what this says about what they signify.

Ive started to look at:
Animal farm-George Orwell
The Raven-Edgar Allan Poe
Cunning little vixen opera
Signifier's and semiotics

Ive looked at these books:
Human Zoo-Desmond Morris
Theatre as a sign system-Elaine Aston and George Savona
Uses of Enchantment-Bruno Bettelheim
Man and his symbol-Carl Jung

I'm looking into why they might have chosen to represent a part of the story with animals and what type of animal they chose to represent that. I want to start looking into our relationship with certain types of animals and what we understand animal to represent and what they may signify to us.

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