Sunday, October 19, 2014


Written by Pat Baker
Adapted by Nicholas Wright
Directed by Simon Godwin
Designed by Alex Eales

this play is based on a trilogy of books by Pat Baker they follow the stories of many patients at a hospital during the war. Most of the patientsbare those suffering from psychological damage such as shell shock. I found the characters very lling and a refreshing take on what the soldiers would have suffered at such a time.

 the characters are very well acted and scripted they have really interesting story lines that you enjoy watching playout.

The set was interesting it was set to look like a mental hospital of the time,it was cleverly put together however i found that it jarred a little bit it seemed like a very painted set rather than a location. The scene changes were well done but seemed very quick in places and didnt seem to flow in parts.

Overall i enjoyed the play the storyline was enjoyable and i feel i want to find out more about them, the directing acting and scenery were well put together and the scenery fit the story.

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