Friday, October 3, 2014

Dinis Machado Dance 4 project

On the 6th Oct Dinis Machado comes to Nottingham to start a workshop on his next Dance 4 project. The new project is a dance piece that involves 4 dancers and the audience will sit around the space so that they will have to move amonst the audience.

The dance piece is made up of abstract movements that narrates a story about a group of people and an hour in their life, the cycle repeats and the dancers change their movements to how they feel ad how their clothes change throughout the performance. Dinis aims to design the costume to belong to the actor and be a part of them but be a sort of imitation.
The clothes themselves will be abstract and the dancers will change clothes with each other but there may be parts of the piece where the dancers are wearing the same clothes or imitations of each other so seems like two of the same people in the piece.

There will be a lighting mobile above the audience and the performers so it then lights everyone but will constantly be moving so creating shadows and light patches in different parts of the performance.

This piece involves two impaired dancers but the movement has not been adapted tp them from previously devised choreography, it has been devised by them because they have been part of the project from the beginning.There are alot of rehearsals but none of the movements have been fixed and they may change throughout the performance or be interpretations of previous movements. The movements are based on abstract thoughts so each performer can interpret it in different ways.

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