Saturday, October 19, 2013

installation idea

For my installation in the city I wanted to place mine within the arboretum because I have noticed a lot of people walk through there everyday but don't realise a lot of the natural aspects that are going on around them. I wanted to create a piece that means people have to slow down and take time to notice and to take a pause.

This made me think of slower creatures that might be within the arboretum and led me to think about using snails, I wanted to use the idea of suggesting that something is about to occur or something is there that people would have to wait for or look out for.
I thought about how I could incorporate of snails into and first thought about making a large snail at the side the path and having a zebra crossing (the idea of slowing down).

After feedback about this idea I started looking into other pieces of work that have used snails but also how I could develop it to be more suggestive and subtle.

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