Sunday, October 6, 2013

connections from the week

Looking back through the week I was able to notice a lot of connections with a lot of the things that we were doing and we were asked to make note of these connections as an exercise.

I started looking at the talk we had from Dominic Shaw and how he works with people on the fringe of society and people that may not ordinarily have the chance to be pat of theatre, this linked with looking at cardboard citizen who are a company that use theatre of the oppressed to involve homeless people so they are both companies that help people that would not otherwise be helped. The theatre of the oppressed is a type of theatre developed by Augusto Boal to involve the audience in the piece of theatre, we carried out a workshop looking at an area of this type of theatre called forum theatre.
All of these companies and techniques allow the participants to explore the space and explore themselves in how they would react to a piece of performance. Allows them to improve, learn and make new experiences.

I also thought about the semiotics lecture that we had and how it is used within theatre and how as theatre designers we have to be considerate of the whole picture and guiding our audience to a specific moment. It all comes down to the exploration of space and the use of that space in portraying/telling a story. This links back to forum theatre because it allows the audience to tell the story and how we can learn from the experiences we have had and how we apply those.

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