Friday, October 4, 2013

Forum theatre workshop with Becky Matter

The workshop with Becky Matter was the exploration of forum theatre and how this can be used within a group or audience of people. This type of theatre is adapted from the theatre of the oppressed developed by Augusto Boal.
I found the workshop really useful to understand the practice a lot more and to discover a new type of theatre that I didn't really know a lot about before the workshop, I liked the angle that this type of theatre takes because it incorporates the audience into the action of the play and allows them to look back and change it how they would play things out.
It is a really useful tool to be able to review a situation and see how things could have been different if you were able to go through the experience again.

The idea of the type of theatre is to play out a situation where there is someone that feels degraded or oppressed and then for the audience to stop the action and take the place of this person and replay the situation changing the actions of the scene or the lines to approach it differently to make the oppressed person come out feeling better.
Sometimes the situation can be made worse because the person taking over could still have the wrong attitude and raise the tension of the situation.

I think this type of theatre could be really useful to adapt to a situation that can be used for childrens theatre allowing them to change the situation and it would have very good lessons for them to take away.

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