Thursday, October 3, 2013

Cardboard citizens

Cardboard Citizens changes the lives of homeless and displaced people through theatre and the performing arts.
The cardboard citizens are a company that present plays performed by the homeless and displaced people, to share experiences and problem solve together. They work in partnership to widen the reach of the company’s work and allow those that would otherwise be unable to participate in theatre. The company make theatre for general audiences so a wider public can share in the company’s learning and understanding of the issues faced by homeless people, allowing excluded people to develop skills and confidence through projects and workshops. The company also meet the practical needs of the homeless and displaced people, supporting them in matters of housing, education, employment, health, career and personal development.
They are working to further develop theatre projects in and out of hostels for a wide range of audiences, focussed on the lives of homeless and displaced people. They will be supporting people in diverse ways, helping homeless people to play their part in the world, and society to understand how life is lived on the margins. Ambition being that they will enable every hostel resident in London to be able to access the company’s work, as audience or participate.


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