Friday, October 18, 2013

Charlie Peace

Charlie peace is a play that is based on the legend of Charlie Peace that is based a sideshow at goose fair. We followed the character through his life as told to us by moments pieced out by the showman starting at his time in Sheffield meeting his lover.

I found that looking at the design it did not seem to fit within the space properly and the space itself was not utilised as it could have been, the design seemed cramped in the space. I also felt that  use of projection for jarred with the time period it was trying to portray and also the effect they were trying to achieve, the images were too crisp.
I felt it was off putting to see the actors through the curtains because they suddenly seemed to jump out off character as soon as the curtain had closed.

The main problem I had with this production was the use of space in conjunction with the design and the use of projection, I also didn't understand that if he was supposed to be a notorious criminal that committed a lot of robberies they didn't seem to give a sense of this in the production.

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