Saturday, October 26, 2013

Giles Croft and Micheal Eaton

I found this master class very useful after seeing the show because I think it gave me a better understanding of the director and the writers expectations and how they approached in creating the piece. I also understand that the set had to travel to another venue so allowed me to understand that this may be why the set didn't seem to fit properly within the playhouse because it wasn't just having to fit the one venue. The director said that there were something's that he felt could be changed if they were to put the piece in the playhouse again and also how it had changed from the rehearsals o the performance. I still do not understand however the fact that the writer was so interested in the fact that Charlie Peace was a notorious criminal but I felt that they didn't make a big enough feature of this in the actual show. Overall though it helped me to understand their intentions a little more.

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