Saturday, February 9, 2013

Master Class Five led by Richard Willacy Associate Artist Director of Birmingham Opera Company
I found this master class very useful in terms of understanding productions of sight specific purposes. I enjoyed hearing about the different hiccups that they could experience along the way with that type of performance, the things that they would need to figure out and whether it would be a design feature to overcome a problem and whether they would want the audience to notice or not.
The use of this type of theatre is the ability to breakdown some of the barriers of traditional theatre types. The ability to involve the audience and make the experience different to how you would expect and to be able engage them on different levels.
Also being able to involve the public in their performances and having this change each time is an interesting concept, they have volunteers within a production and make sure there is a 50% change around for each performance so it’s always developing.
There are aspects that they take into account each time they put on a performance:
-Would they be able to adapt a performance to a space?
-It has to be accessible by the public so they make sure that wherever they are is only a maximum of two buses rides away from anywhere in Birmingham
-the venue has to suit the show
This type of theatre allows them to create authenticity, so if a show requires a hole to be dug in the floor they can do this. Things can be adapted into a different use or performance medium e.g. the ground that they perform on can be different aspect within a show, they can highlight the use of it if they wanted or not.

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