Saturday, February 9, 2013

Last pattern workshop

For the last workshop working on the patterns we had just finish the last details of our costume, the facing of the hose needed finishing and the codpiece needed to be bade and attached to the hose. The jerkin just needed the lining to be put in properly and the doublet needed the sleeves to be attached. We had a couple of hiccups on the way, the lining of the jerkin was more work than we realised but a member our group managed to get this fixed and it turned out really well. The sleeves for the doublet went in nicely and the hose turned out well too. Overall I feel our costume went really well and the group worked together to manage this. I enjoyed working with my group and feel we got on well together and we were able to help each other along the way. If we were to do it again I think there would be less hiccups because we would know a bit more and be able to work through them if we did experience any. I enjoyed the whole process and feel that this was very valuable skills I was able to develop and carry forward

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