Saturday, February 9, 2013

London trip reponses

We were asked to give feedback about the London trip in the following areas:
Memorable images

I found this workshop helpful to find out what other people thought of the aspects of the trip and also to be able to expand on my thoughts and clarify things that I was confused on. For example the main point I felt effected my view of the performance Nosferatu was that I had already read the book and knew what the film of Nosferatu was about so I went in with expectations and found that the performance challenged these, I appreciated that it was a different interpretation but felt that by naming it Nosferatu they set themselves up for people to have these preconceived ideas.

We also received feedback about the documents we had written previously (evaluation document, scarecrow review and the critique set over summer). The feedback on my written documents was positive and found that I had achieved many of the areas that were required. I needed to be able to expand on points when I mentioned them within the text, so when I made appoint or argument I needed to have been able to expand on why I thought this or argue the other side of the point. I also need to be able to have better transition within my sentences by expanding them rather them being really short and the beginning of a sentence needs to be strong as I move from the previous point made. My documents need to be proof read either by myself more accurately or by someone else.

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