Wednesday, December 3, 2014

puppet so far

This is how far i have got with my puppet, i still need to carve a lot of the torso and head to get it looking more like how i want it to be eventually but i have managed to get all the parts together and the joint work really well. i found it quite easy to carve in the end once all the parts are cut out. its good to see them in use and to see how they would move around when we manipulate them because this has allowed me to see what adjustments in need to make in the future.
So far we have been working on small scenarios that we may find the puppets in from the material we have collected, it has allowed to see which works best in which scenarios due to scale and manipulation.

For example we started to work on one of the scenarios we had an idea for from the text and we found that we started of with the larger puppet being the 'victim' and found this didn't really work with the antagonist as a smaller puppet so we swapped them over and it worked much better.

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