Sunday, December 14, 2014

Animal farm

So far i have focused mainly on looking at  animal farm because it is based solely on the animals behavior and how they are represented. It has been very useful looking at this book because i have so far looked in to what the animals themselves mean and also what George Orwell meant by the use of the animals and why he chose them to represent the people that he chose them to represent.
The main story itself is based on the events leading up to the Russian revolution and the characters represent Stalin and his influence and eventual downfall and those who surrounded him.
I have found this story very useful because there is a lot of information surrounding the representation of the animal and what the story meant politically, i wish to look into more stories like this that may have had a political influence and also compare it to stories that involve animals in a human world.

I started to look into stage adaptions of animal farm and how the designer in turn has chosen to represent the animals as characters. i have so far found this production of animal the most useful.

Michael Brosilow

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