Wednesday, November 20, 2013

websites found whilst looking into fear in theatre
Immersive Theatre is all about creating participative theatre experiences in which audience members give up their “observer’’ status to become co-actors and co-creators within the narrative. Our audience members are action wise performers who direct the story by taking decisions, choosing from infinite options and negotiating the process.
Combining text, movement, video, objects, sound, lights and visuals, we aim for a ‘total experience’, for ‘transportation performances’ that result in rendering powerful emotions and eye-opening adventures

'Then things began to get strange. Hecate seized hold of my wrists, leading me into a pitch-black forest, forcing my hands against a series of branches, telling me the haunting story of a child lost in a wood. Her hair fell into my face; her hands were tight against my shoulders, her lips close enough for me to feel her breath against my cheek. I wondered – half-dazed – if I was being initiated, or perhaps murdered; was I expected to spend the rest of the performance wandering the space, unmasked, in collusion with Hecate's subservient witches? Instead she wept in my arms, her nails digging into my skin, and my fear gave way to a stronger impulse'


Knee-knocking terror is a sensation more often felt by actors than the audience. This is partly due to the limitations of the medium, but it's great to see companies trying to break the boundaries and scare us.
The creation of terror requires the absorption of the individual into the story, and a precise manipulation of their senses in order to generate a sense of security which can then be swiftly undermined

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