Thursday, November 28, 2013


For the main performance I am part of the tech team that is working on doing lighting, today we managed to get a lot of the lighting rigged and patched in that we need for the forest and were able to angle there we needed to give them best effect. I have learnt more about the lighting desk and how we are able to programme channels on to main switches to make it easier for the main show and allow for easy location of the lights needed to make the performance smoother.
I've been working with a lighting bar plan allowing me to make a note of the plug that the light is being plugged into then follow this onto the patch board and then onto the lighting desk. I Have enjoyed the process of working with the lights and I feel I understand the process and what would go into lighting a show.

I found it useful to learn how to programme lights together into a group so that it makes it easier to locate for the performance and means that we can move through the sequences easier, I have enjoyed working out the cues alongside the script allowing easier transition.

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