Monday, May 13, 2013

Set design ideas

I started to the production of hamlet that we had seen and how they had chosen to set it in an area that is focused on in one of the scenes. I wanted to use a similar method by setting it in an area and started thinking about where this could but also involving the use of multiple doors. I first thought of the moment refers to Denmark being like a prison, this got me thinking about setting it in a prison an the use of the doors would be very good. However after thinking about it I don't know that I would want the main focus to be the idea of a prison but the they having props that might distract from this idea and felt the idea was not where I wanted to take my design.

I then came across an image of castle ruins and I really liked the aesthetic ad how this reflected on hamlet and the play itself. I still have kept the main idea of my design to be the use of doors an they layout I had in mind however I think the use of making them like castle ruins would tie in more with the idea of the play and aesthetic that I was aiming for.

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