Sunday, May 12, 2013

Hamlet RSC

We went to see Hamlet at the RSC in the main theatre. The set designer was Jon Bausor and thought that they chosen den worked really well with how they had interpreted the play itself. I really liked how they changed the lighting to suit the feel of a scene for example when the ghost entered strip lights appeared along the stag and this gave it a very cold harsh feeling, I like that the colour scheme was kept dull and he costumes were also kept to this muted tone because it highlighted how Hamlet felt trapped in his world.

However I felt that I didn't get a sense of when it was suppose to be set and I did like this when didn't realise it was suppose to be set in the 60's. I didn't feel like it really fit with this time period because some of the costumes did not match this era. I also don't feel that the use of the fire alarm at the very was needed because I didn't get how it fit in with everything else that had just happened.
Overall I really enjoyed this adaption and would definitely consider this when designing my own.

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