Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Final stages

 I have added the texture for the grass on the ground and began to add the details of the moss onto the walls. I've made the stairs a light stone with metal rails because I want them to look like they've recently been added in.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

start of painting

I have started to paint the main walls and the floor where I can add detail such as moss and be able to glue on fibres to add texture to the ground for grass.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

further design development

 So far I have managed to mark on all the stone detail on the walls and put in the doors. I have also added a staircase and found that I had to move it over from where I wanted it because it would be blocking doors. I think the design is going well I need to start painting it and adding the small details such as moss and grass etc.

design progress

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hamlet design progress

For my design I have chosen to set I in Denmark where the play is originally set however I wanted to bring it up to date in a certain aspect. I felt I wanted the castle to be in ruins so this would be the modern parts that would now be in ruins. But as the characters would not be living in amongst the ruins i have chosen to set the characters and the story as though they are echo's of the past, I will introduce this at the beginning with the use of an additional character and the audience will then view the show as if they are seeing what has happened but in the modern setting.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Set design ideas

I started to the production of hamlet that we had seen and how they had chosen to set it in an area that is focused on in one of the scenes. I wanted to use a similar method by setting it in an area and started thinking about where this could but also involving the use of multiple doors. I first thought of the moment refers to Denmark being like a prison, this got me thinking about setting it in a prison an the use of the doors would be very good. However after thinking about it I don't know that I would want the main focus to be the idea of a prison but the they having props that might distract from this idea and felt the idea was not where I wanted to take my design.

I then came across an image of castle ruins and I really liked the aesthetic ad how this reflected on hamlet and the play itself. I still have kept the main idea of my design to be the use of doors an they layout I had in mind however I think the use of making them like castle ruins would tie in more with the idea of the play and aesthetic that I was aiming for.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Hamlet RSC

We went to see Hamlet at the RSC in the main theatre. The set designer was Jon Bausor and thought that they chosen den worked really well with how they had interpreted the play itself. I really liked how they changed the lighting to suit the feel of a scene for example when the ghost entered strip lights appeared along the stag and this gave it a very cold harsh feeling, I like that the colour scheme was kept dull and he costumes were also kept to this muted tone because it highlighted how Hamlet felt trapped in his world.

However I felt that I didn't get a sense of when it was suppose to be set and I did like this when didn't realise it was suppose to be set in the 60's. I didn't feel like it really fit with this time period because some of the costumes did not match this era. I also don't feel that the use of the fire alarm at the very was needed because I didn't get how it fit in with everything else that had just happened.
Overall I really enjoyed this adaption and would definitely consider this when designing my own.

The kite runner

Sunday, May 5, 2013

research into the use of doors in film and theatre

I looked at labyrinth because this is a clever use of entrances and exits, causing the confusion and chaos of the idea of labyrinth.

I chose to look at this because i like the chaos of the many doors and the idea of the doors coming in and out depending on the person behind the door. This scene displays the idea of not being able to locate the right person, i feel this could be a demonstration of Hamlets mind.

Hamlet design research

To start thinking about my design i thought about what we produced in the previous project and thought along the ideas of the use of politics and bringing it up to date with the use of Downing street as a backdrop, however not being a political person i didn't want to make very political so would probably just use the suggestion of the place being downing street. I looked into the design of downing street and the main entrance.

Looking at this image and thinking of downing street i liked the use of the doors as features of the building, the main building itself has more doors than actual rooms some of them aren't actually functional. Th use of many doors would be a good feature or this play as i feel that it s always changing and the use f doors would keep it busy and people would be able to associate people with the doors.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Final show

Our final show went really well, the audience seemed to react to our piece how we thought and they caught on really quickly about the positioning of the cameras and the monitors. We had to have one of our cameras on record and we felt this fit well with the piece because people react differently when they don't realise they are being filmed. I enjoyed the other pieces in the show and thought the performances fit really well with the main pieces.