Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Set design-white card stage

Initally I wanted my design to show the two seperate areas that Arthur visits in the play, he mainly spends his time in a pub or a house. I looked at this initially by having a house represented on stage left and a pub represented on stage right, then in the middle would be the street area however taking the audience viewing into consideration there would be problems with sightlines so I solved this by bringing the performance area into the middle and having goose fair on the edges. I also thought about staging part of the performance on a different level so introduced the use of a gantry where the character would go up in the scene where he works in a factory. The central performancew area contains two sofa like chairs and a table and chairs, these will be used for the houses scenes and the pub scenes. The gantry is for the work scene and the left of the stage is for the cakewalk from goosefair and also any street scenes. I also have a platform to the right to represent the helter skelter where the main character has a revelation about his life.

1 comment:

  1. Its all so tiny! But I can imagine this easily set up on a stage. I love the sofa's! Great Work Zoe!
