Sunday, May 4, 2014

jack in the box!

Developing the idea we liked the idea of the clown/jester in the box, however we decided that instead of the puppet leaving the box we would have it stay in the box and make it like a jack in the box that would pop out after the handle (possibly not actually doing anything) is turned. We also liked the idea of the box being like a ballot box because the idea of why the rioters stormed to the castle was because they couldn't vote.

We also want it to be smaller than the cart so that we can add things to the cart and have a frame to make it easier to control the puppet. the reference of the ballot box shown is actually from a later time than the riots but this is similar to how we imagine the box to look.

The clown shows how we thought about the puppet to look but we want him to be more padded and the hands to be over sized, this is because we want the audience to interact with the box before the puppet comes out then once he has popped out he will throw the votes of out the box and almost perform a little show of the riots but we want it to be clumsy and over actioned.

This is a rough model of what we want the overall thing to look like, we want the box to able to flip open and there to be little people that represent the crowds to be hanging from the box, on the flaps we want to be able to have a little side show to be able to perform the riots via small puppets made from card.

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