Thursday, January 23, 2014

Development of the model

 Adding more detail to the objects within my model box, my set at the moment is mostly wood because of the design that I have chosen so I am making most of it from smaller scale wood and eventually I will also make the back wall wooden. I will also stain the wood of the different object to suite the colour of my idea, I have started this with some of the smaller pieces. I have added stairs stage left for the actors to be able to get to the higher level and have made the cart from wood also. I have finished the barrels and used different string for the representation of the rope.

adding to the white card model

Starting to add to the white card model, using materials that would allow the model to look more realistic making sure that I stay within scale.

white card model

development of white card model adding a few more objects to be part of some of the scenes that seem important in the play. Roughly mapping out positioning's.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

playing with ideas in the model box


 I started to play around with items within the model box to get an aesthetic and lay out that I could work with as a design. I like the timbers and rope that would be found within a shipyard so I played around with having these laying around and also wanted something that would create a 'structure' within the piece so I added the boxes that the players could interact with. I wanted to stick with the wooden theme so added some barrels that the wood could be stored in. I moved them around the space to where would cause the least amount of sight issues and so far the above image is what I have come up with. I wish to play around with the back wall as well to create the aesthetic I am aiming for.

design ideas

As a starting point I wanted to link the idea of the opera to somewhere that was pivotal of the time and would give the aesthetic that I feel I wanted for the set. I thought about the idea of poverty within the times and how the characters make their wealth in any way they can, this lead me to thinking about trading and use of ships. At the time new ships weren't really built instead old ship were regenerated or rebuilt, this would link with the idea of reusing items such as clothes so I started looking at the Chatham Dockyard which is local to me at home and I looked at the ropery and workhouse. I really like the textures within the workhouse building and though this could be a good starting point for my design.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Beggars opera

For this terms project we are going to be designing for the play 'The Beggars opera' by John Gay, the design will be for the Crucible theatre in Sheffield.

Model box for the Sheffield Crucible  ------>