Saturday, March 2, 2013

Research project initial thoughts

For my research project i would like to look into the area of film because i find it very interesting and feel i can relate it to theatre in many ways, i was unsure at first as to what aspect of film and theatre to look into, i thought first of animation but wasn't sure of the transition i could make between this and theatre and also where i could start and then where to develop to. I then thought of looking into the idea of shocking film/theatre, this means pieces of theatre or cinema that shocked the world when they first became public. However i thought that this would start to reach into an area that i would not like to look at e.g. gory horror. This idea then developed into looking at fear within film and theatre, this being a better area for me to look at and also found that i could include a lot more than the obvious so with project i can look at film and theatre in different areas, I've decided to look film and theatre in a more general manor first. Looking at some of the more obvious areas where fear might present itself then i can develop this and look more into what might cause a fear of something and how a piece may play on the ideas of fear.

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