Friday, March 22, 2013

Masterclass fourteen-projection design by Will Duke video artist

-Alot of preliminary work before going into the theatre
-sometimes have to make do with what there
-Adobe software is mainly what is used
-after effects (software) really good

-phillip bloom
-Vincent la foret

-above the wide blue sky
-Hitchcock blond (making of psycho) mix of live performance and prerecorded sequences,referred to the film a lot and looked at how it was cut together
-20th century boy (t-rex and Mark Bolan) set was designed specifically to be projected on so had areas for this.
-Taming of the shrew (Patrick's design)-screens on the whole time, but not to be distracting
-The difference engine-all projected, one live actor.
-Discombobulator-just projection, motion sensitive sound, relationship of actor to screen
-comma 40, installation

projection mapping-project onto anything, projections can be more integrated to design, now more affordable

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Final design

Costume drawings

Doreen                                                   Brenda
Jack                                                       Arthur
Em'ler                                             Ada
                                       Winnie                                   Couple                                             
                                     Tealady                                    Grieving man
                                        Swaddie                                 Mick

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Set design development

Research books (2)

Paul Merton looks at Alfred Hitchcock

I wanted to find other information about Alfred Hitchcock and came across this drama that was on BBC 4, I found it informative and interesting to find out more about the life of Hitchcock before his film making days. When he was younger he had a fear of the police due to an incident and the schooling he had at a Jesuit school left him very fearful throughout his schooling life.
He escaped these miseries by going to the theatre, when he left school he had an interest in film and applied for a job to design titles for silent films.
The introduction of better lighting and effects and the introduction to German effects in cinema after a visit to Berlin really inspired Hitchcock and he would take these into his films later on. His first few directed films showed what would become his signature aspects of films: voyeurism and portrayal of fear.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Set design-white card stage

Initally I wanted my design to show the two seperate areas that Arthur visits in the play, he mainly spends his time in a pub or a house. I looked at this initially by having a house represented on stage left and a pub represented on stage right, then in the middle would be the street area however taking the audience viewing into consideration there would be problems with sightlines so I solved this by bringing the performance area into the middle and having goose fair on the edges. I also thought about staging part of the performance on a different level so introduced the use of a gantry where the character would go up in the scene where he works in a factory. The central performancew area contains two sofa like chairs and a table and chairs, these will be used for the houses scenes and the pub scenes. The gantry is for the work scene and the left of the stage is for the cakewalk from goosefair and also any street scenes. I also have a platform to the right to represent the helter skelter where the main character has a revelation about his life.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Research project initial thoughts

For my research project i would like to look into the area of film because i find it very interesting and feel i can relate it to theatre in many ways, i was unsure at first as to what aspect of film and theatre to look into, i thought first of animation but wasn't sure of the transition i could make between this and theatre and also where i could start and then where to develop to. I then thought of looking into the idea of shocking film/theatre, this means pieces of theatre or cinema that shocked the world when they first became public. However i thought that this would start to reach into an area that i would not like to look at e.g. gory horror. This idea then developed into looking at fear within film and theatre, this being a better area for me to look at and also found that i could include a lot more than the obvious so with project i can look at film and theatre in different areas, I've decided to look film and theatre in a more general manor first. Looking at some of the more obvious areas where fear might present itself then i can develop this and look more into what might cause a fear of something and how a piece may play on the ideas of fear.

Research project books