Friday, February 28, 2014


the next stage is to carry on developing the bird puppets and the start of the body for the small puppets that will represent the characters in the book. The birds needed a few layers of tissue paper and gum tape and then painting to the right colours from the book.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

bamboozle puppets!

Working with Sue Pyecroft at Bamboozle we are working on the story of 'Jack and the Flum flum tree' by Julia Donaldson. For the story we are working on the puppets that would be used with in rehearsals and devising week, we started by looking at the birds that are representations of the main characters within the book. I made a prototype of a bird that had wings that would move as it flew by using springs in the wings, the main body is made from a polystyrene shape with wings and tail added. we were also asked to repair a few of the puppets that were there and I chose to repair the trousers on the puppet from 'where the wild things are'.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

lots more priming!

 My main jobs for today and yesterday were priming things that would later need more textures and colour adding to them, I also was able to mix up some stuff including artex and adding idenden and bonding agent to make the right texture needed for the fireplace. The set was also being assembled today so i got to watch that fall into place, it was really different seeing everything put together compared to seeing it all laid out whilst working on it.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

placement day 2

Today I was carrying on with what I was doing yesterday which was helping out adding paint to parts of the set,i started by painting the windows seats with a base coat and then moving onto mixing a grey that would be added to the edges of the pathway to blend together better when the pieces are put together. I also helped by adding texture to some of the flats that were supposed to look like plastered walls, I found this texturing harder because it was hard to get the right look before the plaster dried.

Monday, February 17, 2014

first day at placement (rocket scenery)

My first day at placement was with rocket scenery, I really enjoyed the first day I was welcomed straight away and got stuck into painting the stairs as my first job. The production that they're working on is called Blythe spirit that is going into the west end. Its a pretty busy week and there are plenty of jobs that i can get on with mostly with painting but also with the option of going into the workshop.

the top left picture is of the model box, the design is an old cottage so there are a lot of textures and old finishes that are added.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

model people

I decided to scale down my costume drawings to 1/25 scale and add them to my set to be able to see how they would work in the set and interact together. I think this works really well and I was able to work out my key moments using them.

Painting the backwall

Starting to add the detail to the back wall, I used burnt umber paint on the bottom then added  product called crackle glaze which cracked the layer of white paint that I put on the top to show the umber underneath. I thought in the end it turned out well I think the white could have been thicker but I don't think the crackle would have come out so well and I am not able to go over the same area twice when applying the white coat. After painting the windows I feel it really brought the whole thing together and I am pleased with the outcome.

Friday, February 7, 2014

corset making


This week we have been making a corset that is the same century as the project that we have been designing for, I found it really helpful to get and idea of the shapes that they would have been and to see the style they would have been in. I really enjoyed this week of making learning how to make the channels for the boning and being able to work out a pattern for certain measurements, my corset fit really well and I was able to nearly complete it within the week all that is needed is to put binding on the edges to neaten them up.

adding details into the model box

At this stage I'm just adding details to the model box like some more chairs to be used by the actors, also the wood on the back wall ready to add the paint and I have also added handrails to the stairs.